Elkhart, Ind. (April 4, 2022) – After a very successful season campaigning a Street Stock racer, Brock Ganus looks to add the six-race Reveal The Hammer Tour to his 2022 season. The Constantine, Michigan native has signed on to get behind the wheel of an Outlaw Super Late Model as a teammate of Adam Terry from the potent GT Products/Duco Performance stable.
Brock Ganus has a very familiar last name among asphalt racers from the upper Midwest. His father, Jeff Ganus is one of the
fastest and most respected OSLM racers in the country. At a young age Brock would hangout at the family race shop and learned what it took to become a successful racer.
When asked about his expectation for his initial run in an Outlaw car, Brock noted, “I know there’s a ton I need to learn, but ideally, I want to complete every lap, stay out trouble and bring the car home each night in one piece. No DNFs.”
“We are thrilled to have Brock join the Reveal The Hammer Tour,” added series director Rich Mersereau. “Our vision from the beginning was to create a series that featured the top racers at the best tracks, Brock and Jeff are real racers, we look forward to seeing them this summer competing with the best in the business.”
Brock also noted he will still campaign his Street Stock as well as a Modified this season but will exclusively run the Reveal The Hammer Tour with the GT Products house car.

The second season of the Reveal The Hammer Tour will begin in just over a month and Brock Ganus along with the rest of the Outlaw Super Late Model drivers will suit up for the first round on Friday, May 6 at Birch Run Speedway.
2022 Reveal the Hammer Outlaw Super Late Model Schedule
May 6 Dixie Shoutout 100 – Birch Run Speedway – Birch Run, MI
May 14 Ralph Baker 100 – Berlin Raceway – Marne, MI
June 18 CB Fabricating 100 – Anderson Speedway – Anderson, IN
June 25 Hammer Down 100 – Lorain County Raceway Park, Amhurst, OH
Aug 12 Dixie Classic 100 – Birch Run Speedway – Birch Run, MI
Aug 27 George Keen Memorial 100 – Berlin Raceway – Marne, MI
About Reveal The Hammer Outlaw Super Late Model Series
A touring series designed to support Outlaw Super Late Model competitors looking to compete at a variety of racetracks in the Upper Midwest while still having the ability to compete in a weekly series as well as special high profile events.
Website: www.revealthehammer.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RevealTheHammer
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfk-AIHNGLTXaG8ByJ-VE2g |