2025 Reveal the Hammer Outlaw Late Model Rules
Weight: 2600lbs before every event
60% left side
Track Width: 82 inches
10-inch steel wheel
100 decibels maximum
Window net required.
All safety gear must be up to date.
Body Rules:
1-1/2” belly anywhere on car
Must have full front and rear windows. 4” Ledge Maximum
No openings on the side panels (no louvers on doors/fenders/quarters)
8” x 72” spoiler 42” from the ground 1” lip allowed
No Verticals anywhere on body or spoiler
Must have store bought nose and roof (Five Star/Dominator, True Force etc.)
Minimum window opening 12 x 22 both sides
Engine set-back = 5 inches
Quarter sail panel must be 25 degrees and flat
All measurements +/- 1/2in
Penalty = 50lbs per inch
Iron engine blocks only
Iron brake Rotors only
No Mirrors, No Radios or other electronic communication devices allowed.
No spotters. No 2-Channel Raceceivers.
Violation will result in a black-flag. No money for the night.
Hand signals are encouraged
Tire changes will be for flat tires only
Standard late model rules apply
Hoosier st-1 (left side) st-2 (right side)
Tires can be bought before the day of the event or at the track (your choice)
No soaking or alterations to the tires
Tire samples will be taken after every event.
Samples will be sealed in an evidence bag and sent to:
Blue Ridge Laboratories Inc
2766 Blue Creek Road
Lenoir, NC 28645
(828) 729-2179
Any failed lab report will result in a lifetime suspension from Reveal the Hammer events
All questions on rules call or text Jeff Vochaska
(269) 767-2414 jvockaska@outlook.com
Print a copy here